Primary care physicians and pain specialists address pain management in different ways. Some physicians treat pain as if it is a symptom of an underlying condition and assume that if the condition is diagnosed and treated that the pain will go away. However, this form of pain treatment does not work for each individual and some people will continue to suffer from chronic pain. According to Institute of Medicine, approximately 100 million adults in America suffer from chronic pain, which is higher than the number of people affected by cancer, diabetes, and heart disease combined.
Doctors who specialize in treating pain include neurologists, anesthesiologists, neurosurgeons, and even psychiatrists. Anesthesiologists, in particular, usually work along with other health care professionals (e.g., nurse practitioners, physical therapists, orthopedists) when a team of specialists may be necessary to manage pain over time. One general difference between these types of specialists and primary care physicians is that pain specialists are knowledgeable in inflammation, pain, and specific treatments. More specifically, they are highly trained in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of chronic pain. This means that in certain cases a pain specialist may be best able to determine the cause of an individual’s pain.
The Institute of Medicine suggests that steps should be taken to improve pain treatment by managing pain care according to each individual’s personal experiences and educating individuals about self-management. The institute also suggests that primary care physicians should collaborate with pain specialists if the initial treatment plan appears to be ineffective. Some hospitals have also started to incorporate the help of anesthesiologists by asking them to develop standardized procedures. The primary focus, however, is understanding that individuals experience and handle pain differently and that standardized protocols should be based on an individual approach. Suggestions such as these imply that individuals should quickly consider seeking pain management from a trained specialist when experiencing chronic pain. This may help reduce the need for taking unnecessary medication or undergoing treatment that is ineffective. Receiving proper pain treatment in a timely manner can also decrease recovery time.
*DISCLAIMER: These are not medical diagnosis or suggestions for any specific individuals. They are an overview of various conditions, treatments and topics discussed by New York Pain Management Group. If you would like to discuss your symptoms in greater detail, do not hesitate to contact the New York Pain Management Group. To learn more about treatment options for this and other pain conditions, contact us today at or call at 1-888-789-NOPAIN! We will be happy to assist you.
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