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Diabetes, Sugar-intake, Dieting, and Effects on Pain and Treatment 

Diabetes has not only been described as an epidemic, but also as a ‘silent killer’, since the symptoms associated with it are not seen as being sudden or dramatic. But did you know that diabetics can experience dramatic and debilitating pain?

As a chronic disease that arises when a person’s blood sugar levels are unacceptably high, diabetes occurs when insulin is either not sufficiently produced or is incapable of acting on the cells of the body that release glucose into the bloodstream. Fortunately, diabetics can effectively manage this by controlling their blood glucose levels by regulating what and when they eat, and through medication.

Unfortunately, between 34% and 70% of diabetics can develop painful nerve disorders, called neuropathies (1-4). Although properly regulating blood glucose levels is the best way to control diabetic neuropathic pain, this condition can deteriorate over time (3). Neuropathic pain begins to significantly affect many organs of the body, promotes muscle wasting, and leaves behind symptoms of numbness, and a loss of feeling in the legs, arms and feet (1, 3, 5).

In addition, chronic neuropathic pain was shown to be a significant barrier to the self-management of diabetes-related symptoms in as many as 60% of patients (6). Those suffering from diabetes therefore suffer a ‘one-two punch’ when it comes to chronic pain; first the neuropathic pain, and then the inability to effectively manage blood sugar levels and proper dieting.

These compounding effects underscore the importance of controlling both blood sugar levels and the diabetic neuropathic pain experienced by the patient. There are a number of opioids and other pain-relieving drugs that significantly reduce chronic diabetic neuropathy (7, 8). Studies have shown that effective pain management helps diabetics adhere to better self-care practices, such as regulating blood glucose levels (7). This allows them to proactively help resolve the disease, and significantly boost their quality of life.

If you or a family member are diabetic, and would like information on managing chronic pain or diabetic neuropathy, please contact one of our offices. The New York Pain Management Group is experienced in controlling chronic neuropathic pain associated with diabetes.

*DISCLAIMER: These are not medical diagnoses or suggestions for any specific individuals. They are an overview of various conditions, treatments and topics discussed by New York Pain Management Group. If you would like to discuss your symptoms in greater detail, do not hesitate to contact the New York Pain Management Group. To learn more about treatment options for this and other pain conditions, contact us today at or call at 1-888-789-NOPAIN! We will be happy to assist you.

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